Infinity ELearning


The Best Corporate Learning Management System

InfinityLMS, which set out with the goal of being a powerful learning management solution for organizations from A to Z, offers our customers a robust learning management system as well as e-learning. A scalable system from individual training and development planning to the entire organization’s training plans (corporate academy), InfinityLMS is not only an innovative platform but also provides advanced measurement and assessment tools. In addition, it supports communication, intranet, and social learning with additional features such as news, announcements, libraries, videos, suggestions, forums, and social sharing. The system can also be fully integrated with mobile devices, allowing users to access content and modules from anywhere. Our LMS system has been developed with a comprehensive approach and is characterized by being a learning management system built with feedback.

Our solution, developed with the approach of ‘You tell us your ideas, and we’ll make it happen,’ has become increasingly perfect day by day with the dedication of our team, the vision of our leader, and our goal of becoming the best e-learning company in our country.

Live Broadcast Integration

InfinityLMS is integrated with tools like Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, ClickMeeting, Zoom, and Vimeo. This allows you to send participation invitations to the individuals already present on the platform, enable individuals to start live broadcasts with a single click, and track their participation status from within the LMS.


Reporting and Business Intelligence

Our reports are presented to you, our valued customers, using InfinityBI technology. This allows you to access all business intelligence reports and, if desired, present relevant data in the same report format to authorized groups within your organization. All reports open with graphical summaries (DashBoard), providing access to in-depth data.


Unlimited Videos

You can easily contribute to your organization's development by embedding videos from external sources or uploading them to our server without limitations. Additionally, individuals can add comments to these videos, send likes, or add them to their favorites. Our CDN infrastructure optimizes videos and automatically delivers them according to user bandwidth.


Advanced Assignment Robot

With our advanced assignment robot, you can quickly eliminate inefficient tasks that waste your time! For example, you can automatically assign specific training to newcomers or those whose roles have changed at defined intervals.



Thanks to the timestamp feature integrated with TÜBİTAK Blockchain servers, records generated within the platform, such as certificates, become official digital evidence! This allows you to formalize records like certificates.



You can assign points to your users based on their consumption and use of different types of content. If you wish, you can create a gift catalog and increase members' motivation related to usage.


Turkey’s First Artificial Intelligence-Embedded LMS

We have made a groundbreaking move in our country by enhancing InfinityLMS with OpenAI integration. Develop content in LMS more easily and quickly with our new artificial intelligence-supported modules. Create and offer a personalized learning experience for your users.

  • Loading Unlimited Knowledge into ChatGPT
  • Educational command (prompt) libraries


Your InfinityLMS is now truly AI-supported! Work smarter and faster with our SmartLMS Modules!

Why Should You Use Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence offers significant benefits to businesses in areas such as data analysis, personalized customer experiences, prediction and planning, error reduction, process automation, competitive advantage, risk management, and cost savings in the corporate world. Better decisions can be made through the optimization of data mining and analytical processes, customer satisfaction can be increased, and processes like demand forecasting and production planning can be made more efficient. Automation and artificial intelligence can minimize human errors by automating repetitive business processes, allowing employees to be directed to more strategic tasks.





Our interface has been revamped with HTML5, offering a clean and modern design while delivering exceptionally high performance. InfinityLMS has been completely reimagined using the latest technologies, including .NET CORE, along with the most popular and secure JavaScript libraries. Everything has been rebuilt with Bootstrap technologies. Premium designs, elegant styles, and dynamic navigation tools have been added. This allows users to easily focus on functionality with over 40 components created with styles that automatically adjust to screen size.


What’s on the web is now also available in our mobile app. You can easily offer your users more than 30 modules and more, whether through a web browser or on mobile devices. Download our revamped “Mobile Academy v3” application with Progressive Web App technology from  GooglePlay and AppleStore. 



Our homepage features customizable panels that support personalization. You can access panels like courses, updates, news from us, training calendar, gamification scoreboard, and more from your homepage. Publishing achievements on the platform, statistics you can share, scrolling images, and shortcut buttons are just a few of the other important features...

Through the Team menu, managers can easily monitor all activities of the individuals under their supervision. If they have the appropriate permissions, they can even make assignments to those they oversee.

With updates, ensure that all actions can be easily tracked by users, and if desired, highlight news from us. Use announcements to send newsletters or messages to your organization, and easily monitor whether they have been read. Store written information related to your organization, such as news and regulations, in the Content module. Define permissions for groups and individuals and publish them easily.

In the E-Learnings module, individuals can easily access assigned trainings, track their completions, and view their certificates. Creating an e-learning within InfinityLMS is straightforward. You can easily create trainings with a wide range of features such as videos, PowerPoint presentations, interspersed questions, assignments, and interactions, and then assign them to individuals based on various rules. Additionally, you can use advanced components like interactive videos and learning bots. If you prefer, you can present quizzes with QuizShow in a fun, competitive, and game-like manner. You can also provide three-dimensional interactive simulations that allow individuals to learn through practice.

If you are using our catalog, you have the option to publish our training programs designed in an inspiring, engaging style that motivates participants, provides them with new knowledge, and keeps them motivated. With our completely revamped micro e-learnings, your users can now enjoy more memorable learning experiences without getting bored. Our catalog, consisting of over 100,000 videos across 1,000+ topics, covers almost every subject. We regularly release at least 10 new e-learnings every week, and we even produce and publish them within the same month if you request them. You can explore all our content, from the 60-hour English training program in collaboration with the British Council to more than 70 categories in occupational health and safety, on our website

In our Exams and Surveys modules, you can assign exams and surveys to your users, either dependent on or independent of their training courses. Individuals can complete the exams and surveys based on the rules you specify, view their results, and you can easily track everything.

Our Classroom Trainings module allows you to track all processes related to formal trainings assigned to your members, including trainers, training locations, scheduled dates, external training firms, and completed and past trainings. It is a comprehensive module that includes the training calendar and administrative approval processes.

The Programs module is one of our most crucial structures, allowing you to progress multiple educational components under a single assignment. For instance, within a program, you can offer comprehensive learning journeys consisting of e-learnings, exams, surveys, reading materials, activities, and videos. When this module is combined with structured flows and assignment robots, it simplifies the management of routine training tasks such as creating comprehensive journeys like leadership and sales development programs, occupational health and safety, and more. With InfinityLMS, you can create an almost self-operating educational operating system. And the better your system, the better your business.

But there's more! By using our comprehensive assessment module, you can create development journeys that can be automatically assigned based on individuals' defined levels. With our coaching and consulting module, you can create and track personalized development plans for individuals.

Collect your written materials in the Content module under categories and tags. Useful links, images, and file resources work in a similar manner. If desired, these modules, which allow you to collect content from users, enable you to store and share all information in your corporate memory with organizational group or individual-based authorization. Additionally, you can use all materials in these modules as educational components.

Forms and Processes are a fantastic module that can be useful in every aspect of your work. If you have a form in mind to collect information, design and publish it instantly. For example, you can design a training request form and easily collect requests from your organization. You can add smart processes behind the forms, create workflows easily with manager approval and comments.

In our Support module, all messages sent by your users enter a process and are responded to.

Ana sayfamızda özelleştirilebilir paneller kişiselleştirmeyi destekliyor. Eğitimler, güncellemeler, bizden haberler, eğitim takvimi, oyunlaştırma tablosu gibi panelleri ana sayfanızda kullanabilirsiniz. Platformdaki başarılarınızı yayınlayabildiğiniz istatistikler, kayan görseller ve kısa yol düğmeleri diğer önemli özelliklerden sadece birkaçı…

Ekibim menüsü sayesinde yöneticiler kendilerine bağlı kişilerin tüm etkinliklerini kolayca izleyebilir. Hatta yetkileri varsa kendilerine bağlı kişilere kolayca atamalar yapabilirler.

Güncellemeler ile tüm işlemleri kullanıcıların kolayca izlemesini sağlayın, dilerseniz bizden haberleri ön plana çıkarın. Duyurular ile organizasyonunuza bültenler veya mesajlar gönderin, okunup okunmadığını kolayca izleyin. İçerikler Kurumunuzla ilgili haber ve yönetmelikler gibi yazılı bilgileri, İçerikler modülünde depolayın. Gruplara ve kişilere yetkiler tanımlayın ve kolayca yayınlayın.

E-eğitimler modülünde kişiler atanan eğitimlere, tamamladıklarına, sertifikalarına kolayca erişebilir. InfinityLMS içerisinde bir e-eğitim oluşturmak çok kolay. Videolarınız, PowerPoint sunumlarınız, aralara ekleyebileceğiniz sorular, ödevler ve etkileşimler gibi geniş özelliklerle kolayca eğitimler oluşturup çeşitli kurallarla kişilere atama yapabilirsiniz. Ek olarak interaktif video, öğrenme botu gibi gelişmiş bileşenler de kullanabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz QuizShow ile sınavları eğlenceli, rekabete dayalı ve yarışma içerecek bir şekilde sunabilirsiniz. Kişilerin alıştırma yaparak öğrenebilmesine olanak sağlayan üç boyutlu interaktif simülasyonlar sunabilirsiniz.

Kataloğumuzu kullanıyorsanız, ilham verici, katılımcıları harekete geçiren, onlara yeni bilgiler kazandıran ve motive eden stilde tasarlanan eğitimlerimizi isteğe bağlı olarak yayınlayabilirsiniz. Tamamen yenilenen mikro e-eğitimlerimizle kullanıcılarınız artık daha akılda kalıcı öğrenmenin keyfini hiç sıkılmadan çıkarabiliyor. 1.000’den fazla başlıkta 100 binden fazla videodan oluşan kataloğumuzda hemen her konu yer alıyor. Düzenli olarak her hafta en az 10 yeni e-eğitim yayınlanıyor, hatta bunları siz istiyorsunuz, o ay içerisinde üretip yayınlıyoruz. British Council iş birliğiyle 60 saatlik İngilizce eğitim programından iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularına 70’den fazla kategoride yer alan tüm içeriğimizi web sitemizde inceleyebilirsiniz.

Sınavlar ve anketler modüllerimizde kullanıcılarınıza eğitimlere bağlı veya bağımsız atamalar yapabilirsiniz. Kişiler belirlediğiniz kurallara göre sınav ve anketleri tamamlayabilir, sonuçlarını görebilir ve siz de her şeyi takip edebilirsiniz.

Sınıf eğitimleri modülümüz, üyelerinize atanan örgün eğitimlerin eğitmen, eğitim yeri, planlanan tarihler, dış eğitim firmaları, gerçekleşen ve geçmiş eğitimler bazında tüm süreçlerin takip edilebilmesini sağlar. Eğitim takvimi ve yönetici onay süreçlerini de içeren oldukça kapsamlı bir modüldür.

Programlar modülü birden fazla eğitsel bileşeni tek bir atama üzerinde ilerletebilmeniz için en önemli yapılarımızdan birisidir. Örneğin bir program içerisinde e-öğrenmeler, sınavlar, anketler, okuma materyalleri, faaliyetler ve videolardan oluşan kapsamlı öğrenme yolculukları sunabilirsiniz. Bu modül; liderlik ve satış gelişim programları, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği gibi kapsamlı yolculukların oluşturulması, kurallı akış ve atama robotu ile birleştirildiğinde rutin eğitim yönetimi iş yükünüzü tamamen üzerinizden alır. InfinityLMS sayesinde adeta kendi kendine işleyen eğitsel bir işletim sistemi oluşturabilirsiniz. Ve sisteminiz ne kadar iyiyse, işiniz de o kadar iyi olur.

Dahası da var! Oldukça kapsamlı hazırlanmış değerlendirme modülünü kullanarak kişilerin belirlenen seviyelerine göre otomatik atanabilecek gelişim yolculukları oluşturabilirsiniz. Koçluk ve danışmanlık modülümüzle kişiye özel gelişim planları oluşturabilir ve takip edebilirsiniz.

Yazılı materyallerinizi kategori ve etiketler altında İçerikler modülünde toplayın. Yararlı linkler, resimler ve dosya kaynakları da benzer şekilde çalışır. Dilerseniz kullanıcılardan da içerik toplayabileceğiniz bu modüller, organizasyonel grup veya kişi bazında yetkilendirmeyle kurumsal belleğinizi oluşturan tüm bilgileri depolamanıza ve paylaşmanıza olanak sağlar. Ayrıca bu modüllerdeki tüm materyalleri eğitim bileşeni olarak da kullanabilirsiniz.

Formlar ve süreçler her konuda işinize yarayacak harika bir modül. Aklınıza bilgi toplamak üzere planladığınız bir form mu geldi, hemen tasarlayın ve yayınlayın. Örneğin bir eğitim talep formu tasarlayabilir ve organizasyonunuzun taleplerini kolayca toplayabilirsiniz. Formların arkasına akıllı süreçler ekleyebilir, yönetici onayı ve yorumlar toplayarak iş akışlarınızı kolayca oluşturabilirsiniz.

Destek modülümüzde kullanıcılarınızdan gönderilen tüm mesajlar bir süreç içerisine girer ve yanıtlanır.



offer 1

Live Broadcast Integration

InfinityLMS is integrated with tools such as Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, ClickMeeting, Zoom, and Vimeo.

offer 6

Reporting and Business Intelligence

Our reports are seamlessly integrated with InfinityBI technology. Advanced data analysis is at your fingertips with features like dashboards, in-depth progress tracking, grouping, filtering, and more.

offer 3

Unlimited Videos

You can easily present your videos by embedding them from external sources or uploading them to our server without limitations.

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offer 2

Advanced Assignment Robot

Integrate your routine organizational development tasks into the system using algorithms and free yourself from time-consuming work.

offer 5

TÜBİTAK Blockchain Integration

Thanks to our timestamp feature, records generated within the platform, like certificates, become official digital evidence.

offer 4


By assigning points to your users based on their content consumption and usage, you can boost member motivation.



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