Infinity ELearning

OHS Academy

We Are Live with Perfectly Designed Content in Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations!

We have designed a platform that can perfectly provide the technological extension of all your OHS awareness requirements. We have nearly 70 e-learning courses, refresher training programs, automatic assignment rules, and fun awareness-supporting videos ready for your employees. You can offer our content to your employees with a borderless learning experience, whether from the web or mobile. Increase the productivity of your employees and your company with our legally compliant online refresher training programs, and save resources!

Legally Mandatory

According to Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety, there are mandatory training programs that we must provide or receive in our workplaces! In addition, training programs that are suitable for changing new conditions, risks, and hazard classes need to be continuously updated! We are here to digitize this entire process for you.


You Can Offer Online

You can regularly offer all training to your employees online, quickly and easily. Because with the new regulation, conducting OHS refresher training online meets the legal requirement. Increase the productivity of your employees and your company with legally compliant online training programs, and save resources!



We are fully compliant with the regulations. The legal regulations have changed! You can offer OHS refresher training to your employees online. Increase your efficiency with our legally compliant online training programs, create an OHS culture among your employees, and easily transform knowledge into behavior.



Guaranteed OHS E-learning courses to Transform Knowledge into Behavior!

We have designed a platform that can perfectly provide the technological extension of all your OHS awareness requirements. As the first company to take e-learning to the clouds, today, 300+ corporate clients and 2.5 million users trust us. You can offer our content to your employees with a borderless learning experience, whether from the web or mobile.

Content is the most important element that transforms knowledge into behavior. Therefore, we have designed OHS training programs in an innovative and excellent quality manner. With our innovative OHS e-learning designs tailored to your employees, we aim to transform your organization into a learning organization! Our content is delivered to your employees with a guarantee of behavior change.

Do you have a truly safe working environment in your workplace? Is the production quality low? Are health expenses high, and compensation costs excessive? To address these issues as soon as possible, you need to embrace the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) culture.

How should you prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases? How can you protect resources and employees? How should you direct the efforts and ensure their continuity? Are you aware that an effective OHS makes employees happy and loyal to the company?

İSG farkındalığıyla ilgili tüm gereksinimlerinizin teknolojik uzantısını mükemmel sunabilen bir platform tasarladık. E-öğrenmeyi bulutlara taşıyan ilk şirket olarak bugün 300+ kurumsal müşteri ve 2.5 milyon kullanıcı bize güveniyor. İçeriklerimizi ister webden ister cepten sınır tanımayan bir öğrenme deneyimiyle çalışanlarınıza sunabilirsiniz.

İçerik bilgiyi davranışa dönüştüren en önemli unsurdur. Bu nedenle İSG eğitimlerini mükemmel kalitede yenilikçi bir şekilde tasarladık. Bu sayede çalışanlarınıza uygun İSG e-öğrenme tasarımlarımızla sizi öğrenen organizasyon haline getirmeyi hedefliyoruz! İçeriklerimiz davranış değişikliği garantisiyle çalışanlarınıza sunuluyor.
İş yerinizde tam anlamıyla güvenli bir çalışma ortamı var mı? Üretim kalitesi düşük mü? Sağlık giderleri yüksek ve tazminat giderleri de fazla mı? Bir an önce bu sorunları çözmek için İSG kültürünü benimsemeniz gerekiyor.
İş kazalarını ve meslek hastalıklarını nasıl önlemelisiniz? Kaynakları ve çalışanları nasıl korumalısınız? Çalışmalara nasıl yön vermeli, sürekliliği nasıl sağlamalısınız? Etkili bir İSG’nin çalışanları mutlu ettiğinin ve şirkete bağladığının farkında mısınız?


Take a look at some examples from our Training Programs!



Trainee (Individual)
Training Duration
In-Class Video
Number of Trainings